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Welcome to WHS Consultations Browser

Thousands of people worldwide have shared their ideas to reduce human loss and suffering from crisis. Leading up to the first-ever World Humanitarian Summit convened by the United Nations, many documents were created which contain those ideas. WHS Consultations Browser allows you to browse these data and navigate between these documents.


From all the documents in the collection, the most frequent two word phrases were identified. Click on one word and then the second word of the phrase will appear to its right - click on it as well. These phrases are listed on the left side of your screen.

Go ahead and play with them to explore what the most common topics, ideas or issues are.

On the right side of the page you now see all the documents appear as blue rectangles that contain the phrase which you have just selected. The more blue the document is, the more occurrences of the phrase you will find inside.

Go ahead and click on one to view its content.

This website was created as a submission to the Visualize Change and its code is open source and hosted on GitHub

All phrases shown on the left side of the screen were obtained from the WHS consultations corpus by extracting top 3000 most frequent bigrams and filtering out those with words that are common parts of speech e.g. articles, pronouns and prepositions.

To interact with the data, click on one word on the left side and then click on another that will appear to the right. You will see several blue rectangles appear on the right side. They represent the documents that contain the phrase you have just selected. The more blue the document the more occurrences of the phrase you will find in it. Click on one to display its content.

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